15 Nov Fall Lookbook
Hi lovelies, I've just gotten back from the Maldives so I'm finally able to upload my Fall Lookbook for you guys. We've filmed it one day before our departure. It was a beautiful fall day and...
Hi lovelies, I've just gotten back from the Maldives so I'm finally able to upload my Fall Lookbook for you guys. We've filmed it one day before our departure. It was a beautiful fall day and...
Hi lovelies, here is my first fashion post from the Maldives. Unfortunately the weather still hasn't been so great today. Hence, we took advantage of it and shot my outfit of the day for you guys. In...
Usually I answer with "summer" when people ask me what my favorite season is. However, I recently had to realize how beautiful fall really is. Especially on a sunny day like today, when the leaves...
One year ago, on my Birthday, my boyfriend and I had a shooting for Honigkeks, which is a great store for dog accessories. We immediately accepted the offer when we found out that we would shoot...
"Leaving NYC is like breaking up with someone you love". Tomorrow around this time I will already sit in the airplane from JFK to FRA. A good chance to reflect upon our wonderful time here...
Hi lovelies, today I have another Fashion post for you guys, captured at the wonderful Park Avenue in New York. In fall or winter I really love wearing leather pants. In the evening some nice black leather...
Hi lovelies, my first outfit post has become so popular among you guys that I decided to post my outfit more often. Today you can find a more summerly look of mine, taken at Columbus Circle and...
Hi lovelies, I promised to also do outfit posts on my Blog. Hence, here is my first "Outfit of the Day" post from New York. Give it a ♡ and/ or comment, when you wanna see more...