06 Mar Meine Reisepläne – Neuseeland & Los Angeles
Hi lovelies, I'm really excited because I will fly to a really special destination in a bit. It's...
Hi lovelies, I'm really excited because I will fly to a really special destination in a bit. It's...
Hi lovelies, before I'll be heading to another amazing destination tomorrow I wanna give you some travel tips and show you my Follow Me Around Video from Oahu, Hawaii: [youtube]https://youtu.be/rYNXz2vRldU[/youtube] There will also be a Part II including our...
Hi lovelies, I receive a lot of questions regarding my pictures, especially my camera. Therefore, I wanna give you a few tips today how you can improve your pictures (and thus improve your Instagram account, blog...
I really love Jumpsuits :D Especially in Hawaii I've recognized again how handy Jumpsuits (also called Playsuits or Overalls) really are. Due to the mountains Hawaii can get quite windy. A short dress would simply get...
Hi lovelies, I often receive the questions where to eat on Oahu, Hawaii. Hence, today I wanna introduce my Top 10 Favorite Healthy Restaurants & Cafés to you guys: 1) Island Vintage Coffee The café with the by...
Hallo ihr Lieben, unsere Zeit im Paradies ist leider schon zu Ende. Gerade sind wir wieder gut im kalten Frankfurt gelandet. Nach einem Monat Reisen ist einem das Kofferpacken schon ein bisschen schwer gefallen. Wobei ich...
Hi lovelies, we only had limited internet the past days. Hence, I couldn't post a new blog post. However, it is incredible how much we've experienced the past three days with 8 Days Palawan Experience. So far...
Hallo ihr Lieben, hier ist nun mein erster Blogpost aus dem wunderschönen Palawan. Wer nicht genau weiß wo das ist: Palawan ist eine Inselgruppe in den Philippinen. Sie wurde bereits mehrmals als schönste Inselgruppe der Welt...
Aloha lovelies, unfortunately our time in Hawaii is already coming to and end. Today we're off to our next destination (read about which one it is here). We had suuuuuch an incredible time in Hawaii and...
Aloha loves, I'm writing to you from Oahu before we'll be heading to another beautiful destination tomorrow. Read about which one it is here :) Even though I'm really excited for it I'm also sad about leaving...