My Travel Tips for Phuket, Thailand

My Travel Tips for Phuket, Thailand

Hi lovelies,

a few years ago I made a trip to Thailand together with a Spanish girlfriend of mine. We decided to stay in Phuket because we heard that Phuket has the nicest beaches. And that was right as Phuket really didn’t disappoint us 🙂

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We visited Phuket in July when there is normally rain season in Thailand. But we were super lucky with the weather as it was raining only a few times. We stayed in Khao Lak at the “Khao Lak Palm Beach Resort” which was really great. The whole week including flight was only 950€ per person. And I can definitely recommend the resort 🙂

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Here you can see a few pictures of the hotel 🙂

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Here are my Travel Tips for Phuket, Thailand:

1) Go swimming in Maya Bay


One of the most beautiful beaches in the world is the one of Maya Bay where my favorite movie “The Beach” was shot. Unfortunately the beach is a bit crowded but still simply stunning 🙂


2) Visit the James Bond Rock

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How impressive is this rock please?!

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3) Visit Krabi

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Krabi is really beautiful! Hence, it is worth doing an excursion to Krabi 🙂

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4) Pay attention to the food

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I always had to say “please mild” and the food was still spicy enough 😛 The Thai people have another sense of spicyness. Hence, rather say “mild” in the beginning 😀 And when it comes to food follow the rule: “Cook it, peel it or leave it”.We followed it and thus had absolutely no problems with the food 🙂

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5) Visit Ko Phi Phi

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Ko Phi Phi is extremely beautiful so you really need to visit it. We booked an excursion to Ko Phi Phi which was awesome! Maya Bay is in Ko Phi Phi. Hence, you can see both at once 🙂

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6) Always negotiate

Unfortunately I’m really bad in negotiating but my Spanish girlfriend is a pro in it so she always negotiated amazing deals for us 😀 In Thailand negotiating is not impolite but completely normal.


Even with cab rides she always negotiated. Cab rides are extremely cheap in Thailand. Hence, we didn’t rent a car but always took a cab to places.

7) Visit Khao Lak


Even if you are not staying in Khao Lak it is still worth visiting it. The nature in Khao Lak is really untouched and simply stunning 🙂

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8) Do some snorkling


Thailand has a really incredible underwater world. Hence, you shouldn’t miss out on exploring it thoroughly 🙂

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9) Have a look at Thai temples

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The temples in Thailand are really impressive! Hence, you should visit them at least once 🙂 Just make sure to take your shoes off before 😉

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10) Mix with locals

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I always find it really important when I visit places to explore the local culture. Hence, I really enjoyed mixing with locals, visit farmer markets or playing with children in Thailand.

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Here you can see a few pictures from Thailand 🙂 What place do you want me to write more travel tips for you guys?



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