Underwater Pics & Inside Out Photos – Tutorial

Underwater Pics & Inside Out Photos – Tutorial

I always get many questions on how I take my underwater pictures. It differs. I use two different devices depending on the occasion:


1) GoPro

I use my GoPro mainly for action shots. The video quality of the new GoPro is amazing so I love taking underwater videos with it. However, if you swim in deeper waters (for instance while diving) I can recommend you buying a red filter. It makes a huge difference because the colors will be much nicer using a red filter. My GoPro is this one btw πŸ™‚ I’m very happy with it!


2) iPhone + Watershot Case

Sometimes I just use my iPhone 6S + Watershot Case. It’s a very stable case which you can easily put over your iPhone. The Watershot Case is also available for Galaxy πŸ™‚ Especially for inside out photos (where a part of the picture is in the water and the other part outside) this option is the best. The lense is much larger than those of the GoPro. And you’ll need a bigger lense for the inside out pictures. The Pro Version of the Watershot Case (which is the one I’m using) even has two lenses. One with wide angle and one without. That is very convenient.


Here are a few tips for the perfect inside out pic:

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1) Use a device with a big lense

The possibility of getting a good photo becomes much larger using a bigger lense.

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2) Take the photo in calm water

Only when the water is really calm the pictures will turn out great.

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3) Take photos on a sunny day

The reflections on the water will be much nicer on a sunny day.


4) Be patient

It can take quite some time taking the perfect photo so be patient.


5) Take videos instead of pictures

This might be my best tip I have for you guys. I take videos instead of pictures and slowly move the camera from inside (in the water) to outside. In the end I just have a look at the video and make a screenshot when there is the perfect cut πŸ˜€ That’s how I took my shark pic btw πŸ˜‰ The possibility of catching the perfect moment is really small. Hence, my tip with the video is my secret tip for you guys πŸ™‚


I hope there were some useful tips πŸ™‚

Lots of fun trying them out during your next vacation!



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